We Loaded up our Land Rover for what was going to be a slow trip to the Scottish Highlands.The joy of driving a land rover, well we would be going slow enough to enjoy the stunning Scottish Highlands but get a very numb backside in the process.Arriving in Aviemore and the sun was shining, Wow this is going to be a good week. Of course it was't to last about an hour in fact.
So our winter skills started off ice axe arrest then moving onto snow pack asessment and winter navigation skills and finally crossing step ground.
After 3 days practising all our new skills in strong winds and zero visability we headed out on our expedition.
Once on the Cairn Gorm plateau we were down to zero visability so good navigation was need to find a venue for our night in a snow hole.
After 3 hours digging we finally had our cosy little home and a brew on.
Everyone had a good night's sleep if not a little damp.
The folowing day we spent practising our navigation before covering some steep ground decending Fiacaill Ridge and finally a controlled bum slide into Corrie Sneachda.
After a hot shower we headed out for a curry and well earn't beer..
Everyone then headed home the following day.
I stayed on a few days to make the most of the last few weeks of winter conditions, another day on the Cairn Gorm and then climbed gulley number 4 on Ben Nevis in glourious sunshine before heading back to Wales justv in time for more snow.
What an amazing winter this has been, lets hope we continue to have more winter like this year.