Saturday, 28 August 2004


well we made it, boy what a trip, never a dull momment we got very bogged at Nam Tso Lake at 4000m Long story. Dunhuang we bush camped in the desert new the south pass which marked the caravan route west and warned invaders during the Han Dynasty AD25. Then we skimmed the Gobi Desert and down to Xian and then onto hohot inner Mongolia and to one of the funniest night club ever. And finally into Beijing and quite a few beers.

Best of it is George and i are now driving back to Nepal and our chinese Translator has jumped ship no way does lilly want to do that again, so wev'e got a new translator who cant speak english ??

Were stopping in Lhasa to have a few cuba libre's with Fred in the Dunya Bar

Happy Days......

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